A Little Music for the New Year

This is a resolution I intend to keep     “Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his dwelling place.” I Chronicles 16:27 New International Version   If you’ve been trapped in an ordinary day and then heard a song you love, you know what happens. If I’m flipping through a … [Read more…]

The Art of Death

The year closes, and the only work of art I’ve bought is a painting of a skull         “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,’” John 11:25   I stopped on the stairs, startled by the painting. Below me in … [Read more…]

Made for the Season

Like glitter houses, a Christian has a special joy at Christmas         “We are God’s masterpiece.” Ephesians 2:10 New Living Translation   I love making things during the Christmas holidays, and this year I’m enamored with the papier mâché houses that you can paint and shower with glitter. With a light inside, they’re magical. On … [Read more…]

Light Up

“Your eye is the lamp of your body.” (Luke 11:34 ESV)     Layers of mountain ridges shimmered blue in the cool air. My whole body relaxed as I took in the sight. Miles of peace, miles of blue sky, miles of Godcraft. Without thinking, I took a deep breath. This wasn’t a computer screen … [Read more…]

A Frog and a Clear Conscience

“A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.” (Proverbs 28:13 TLB) I closed the shop door where my husband keeps his tools. Reaching for the latch, I froze. There, peeping over the top of the metal hinge, sat a tiny … [Read more…]

Preparing a Table

“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.” (Psalm 23:5 KJV)   In October, making an apple tart is a way of setting a table for those I love. In the 23rd Psalm—the one that begins, “The Lord is my shepherd”—in that psalm is a small phrase that’s captured me in … [Read more…]